Saturday, August 28, 2010

Im back to SL.............

after being away for months.. im back to SL

Thursday, April 29, 2010

dear lot

Dear lot, i went to your house today.. checked your pasture.. and milked the cows. Your chickens are dead but revivable.. Rhubarb is looking for you and is hungry. He misses you as I do.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

say what?

I'm wearing headphones, don't get mad at me when I can't hear you!

Monday, March 1, 2010

n73 episode

This morning I lost my phone and thus begin the most agitating hours of my life. I thought Losing my phone will never be a big deal to me... but it is! My phone's not that expensive, so i shouldn't sweat over losing it. but hell, that phone had been a steady handy dandy as camera, alarm clock, calculator, internet gadged, music player, etc etc etc..

phone, where are you?? come back to me :((

Friday, February 26, 2010

skirt, frock, and blouse

I am alwats irresistibly drawn to sweet skirts, frilly frocks, and ladylike blouses. ☺

Style Credits:
Top- ~*RunoRuno*'s Weave jacket (50L)

Skirt- free MNK*SHOPs lucky board

hair- Maitreya Sasha- 50L (haiti)

skin- Redgrave Hana

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

It's Baseball Turn!

Spring is in the air and that also means it's time for spring training!!

**baseball costume- (a gift from Huffa) ::MIA::
**hair - Detour's Madison
**Poses - Anatalia Honi's poses

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

another day in SL..

hair- ETD Laine (30L)
Skin- (ohh so nice) Fhang Candy - 150L